Since ancient times, lentil soup has been used as a medicine, and today it is known that there is more protein in lentils than in meat. Lentils contain a vitamin-mineral complex that has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the whole organism. Therefore, lentil soup is famous not only for its taste, but also for its beneficial properties.
Everyone can enjoy a tender and fragrant hot first course if they cook hearty vegetable soup with red lentils.
This is a great warming and nutritious first course for lunch or dinner for the whole family. Cooking it is a pleasure, because the whole cooking process takes very little time.
You can cook lentil soup in ordinary water or meat broth. Ideal additional ingredients are carrots, onions, celery root, potatoes. It is best to serve such a first course not with fresh bread, but with crackers.
Any variety of lentils must first be washed well in cold water and cleaned of debris. Only after that you can start cooking.
In the process of heat treatment, proportions must be observed: for 1 glass of beans, 2 glasses of water will be needed.
Until the liquid boils with the beans, the fire should be medium. After the water boils, the heat should be reduced to a minimum.
You need to salt the lentils already at the end of cooking. If you do this earlier, it will take much more time to cook.
The time it takes to cook may vary. It all depends on the variety of lentils. To shorten the cooking time as much as possible, you can soak the beans for a couple of hours.
Green lentils retain their shape best of all, and red lentils boil very quickly, so they do not need pre-soaking.
It is permissible to replace fresh tomatoes with canned, frozen, tomato paste, juice or homemade fruit drinks.