Baked Pumpkin with Beef in the Oven – Unique Taste

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  • 4Servings
  • 60 mPrep Time
  • 30 mCook Time
  • 1:30 hReady In
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Don’t know what to cook from pumpkin besides sweet porridge with milk? We will correct this situation. After all, you can cook savory and even meat dishes – baked pumpkin with beef. And oven-baked meat in a pumpkin is a treat worthy of a festive table. Juicy and soft meat will be in an edible pot, it is not only beautiful, but also very convenient.

Well, let’s try to surprise our loved ones today!

But first, let’s learn about the benefits of pumpkin – this unique gift of nature. This is just a storehouse of vitamins, and a large part of them is not only in the pulp, but also in seeds and flowers. Pumpkin has 4-5 times more carotenes than carrots. Carotenes are converted into vitamin A in the body, which is good for vision and is also a powerful antioxidant. Pumpkin contains vitamins C, E, K and almost all B vitamins.

The seeds contain many trace elements, and in terms of zinc content, pumpkin seeds are among the top three among vegetables. Due to its low calorie content, pumpkin is considered an ideal dietary product, because it contains no starch, cholesterol and trans fats, little sugar, but a lot of fiber that is useful for digestion. Calorie content of 100 g of pulp is only 22 kcal.

Pumpkin is often used in dietetics – there are completely pumpkin diets. This low-calorie vegetable normalizes metabolism and reduces appetite due to the large amount of fiber.

Pumpkin has a positive effect on the state of the male reproductive system. The pulp of the vegetable has a high concentration of vitamin E-tocopherol, which is translated from Greek as “bearing offspring”. The high content of potassium in the pulp reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which is extremely useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

But back to our recipe. Meat, or rather, in this case, beef, baked in a pumpkin is just an explosion of flavors and aromas!

If desired, you can add prunes, it will give a light smoked flavor and sourness. Prunes with the sweetness of pumpkin play a unique duet. For baking in the oven, the whole pumpkin should be taken in the correct shape the size of a 1.5-3 liter pan. You can use very small pumpkins for portion serving. Other vegetables can be used if desired. You can add grated cheese or sour cream to the filling to get a creamy flavor.


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Step by step method

  • Step 1

    We cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut off the layer of pulp to make a pot as in the photo.

  • Step 2

    We wash the meat, cut into small cubes.

  • Step 3

    Finely chop the onion, cut the pumpkin pulp and prunes into small cubes.

  • Step 4

    Chop the garlic with a knife. It is better not to use a grater or a press, the aroma will be a little different.

  • Step 5

    Put the meat in a frying pan with a little oil.

  • Step 6

    Once it's browned a little, add the onion to the pan.

  • Step 7

    When the onion becomes transparent, put the prunes and pumpkin and continue to fry.

  • Step 8

    After 3-5 minutes, season the contents of the pan with spices.

  • Step 9

    After another couple of minutes, put the vegetables and meat in a pumpkin, fill it with water so that it covers the food a little.

  • Step 10

    We send to bake in the oven at 180-190 degrees for an hour. Then we take out the pumpkin, let it cool a little and serve it to the table as the main hot dish.

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