Red Bean Stew with Nuts – Popular Lobio for the Whole Family

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  • 4Servings
  • 15 mPrep Time
  • 2:10 hCook Time
  • 2:25 hReady In
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Bean stew or lobio is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine and there are a lot of options for its preparation. The main ingredients are red beans, nuts and spices.

Lobio is served hot with pickles, fresh vegetables and, of course, Georgian wood-fired bread.

Let’s try to cook lobio according to the classic recipe.


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Step by step method

  • Step 1

    Soak the beans in water beforehand, this will slightly shorten the cooking period and also make them softer. Wash later, fill with new water, set on fire. The liquid should cover the beans by 3-4 centimeters. Cooking time can vary from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the variety of the selected crop. To prevent the beans from becoming tough or over-salted, add salt towards the end of the boil.

  • Step 2

    Remove the husk from the onion, chop into medium-sized squares. Peel the bell pepper from the seeds, chop the pulp into cubes. Heat a frying pan on the stove, pour in the oil, throw in the chopped vegetables. Saute the mixture for 4 minutes until the pepper is soft and the onion is translucent.

  • Step 3

    Then add a tomato to the pepper-onion mixture, pour in a small portion of water and mix vigorously so that the thick paste is evenly distributed in the liquid base.

  • Step 4

    Next, transfer the boiled beans to the pan, draining the liquid in which it was cooked in advance.

  • Step 5

    Grind the shelled nuts in a blender bowl into medium crumbs. If you wish, you can leave a few large nucleoli.

  • Step 6

    Add chopped nuts to the main mass, place crushed garlic there. Pour a little water into the mixture, mix.

  • Step 7

    Cook the lobio for the next 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. At the end, throw in chopped cilantro.

  • Step 8

    After removing from heat, let the dish brew for a while in a pan with a closed lid.

Tips & variations

  • Beans take a long time to cook. To speed up the process, it is soaked in water overnight.

  • Stew the beans over low heat for a long time so that they become completely soft.

  • To determine the degree of readiness of the beans helps its appearance. If the skin begins to peel off, then it is ready.

  • The taste of lobio can be ruined by over-added seasonings. Too much doesn't mean tasty.

  • The cooled lobio is not reheated. Otherwise, spicy herbs will lose their aroma, and garlic will worsen its taste.

  • So that the dish does not turn into porridge, the cooking time indicated in the recipe is strictly observed. Vegetables should not be overcooked.

  • Vinegar helps to add a pleasant sourness to lobio. Anyone is allowed to use, the main thing is that it is natural (apple, wine, etc.).

One Comment

  • Mary

    A good delicious recipe. I tried the dish for the first time, but the whole family liked it. Nuts give an unforgettable piquancy and zest. A very tasty dish, I will definitely try to cook it again! Thanks!

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