The Best Curd Cheese Recipe For The Whole Family

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  • 1Servings
  • 30 mPrep Time
  • 3:0 hCook Time
  • 3:30 hReady In
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For many, cheese is a universal product that must be in the fridge. You can make sandwiches and salads from cheese, it is customary to sprinkle cheese on a dish in the oven to get a delicious crust. But not always a store product satisfies with its quality and price. Therefore, many housewives are wondering how realistic it is to cook cheese on their own? Do it with our curd cheese recipe at hand

In fact, making cheese with your own hands is not difficult. We suggest you make natural hard cheese from ordinary cottage cheese. It turns out very tasty, and using different additives you can get different tastes every time.


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Step by step method

  • Step 1

    In a saucepan, mix cottage cheese and milk. We put on a small fire, warm up well, stirring constantly, but do not bring to a boil.

  • Step 2

    Pour into a colander lined with cheesecloth and let the whey drain. The drier the cottage cheese will be as a result, the more solid the finished cheese will turn out.

  • Step 3

    Add salt, soda and butter to cottage cheese. Mix well. Put in the microwave for 30 seconds. We take out and stir.

  • Step 4

    We return to the microwave for 30 seconds, repeat the procedure 4-5 more times. Add the Provencal herbs for the last time and stir.

  • Step 5

    We spread the cheese mass tightly in any convenient form. Let cool well, then refrigerate for 3 hours. We take it out of the form. Now you can make sandwiches. Don't thank!

Tips & variations

  • Prepare cheese in clean utensils and on clean work surfaces. If you touch something else, be sure to wash your hands and dry them with a fresh towel.

  • Cheese easily absorbs odors, so you do not need to use perfumed products before cooking it. Cooking other dishes in parallel is also not worth it: the cheese can absorb the flavors of food.

  • In order to get an excellent home-made cheese, only farm-made quality cottage cheese should be used as raw materials.

  • In the preparation of cheese, only the fattest, preferably farm milk, should be used. It must be neither ultra-pasteurized nor sterilized.

  • The shelf life of self-made cheese is limited. In the fridge, it is stored from 7 to 10 days, and in the cellar - no more than 20.

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